Kesson Physio

Get surgery ready with Kesson Physiotherapy

April 8, 2022

It is never too early to be surgery ready with Kesson Physiotherapy.  You may have a bit of a wait and it is easier to stay well, than have to get well.  We can help you manage your pain, maintain your strength and keep your weight under control to ensure you are ready for your surgery date. 

It is not uncommon to have to wait for non-urgent surgery on the NHS. However, currently there are over 5,000 people waiting for knee and hip replacement operations in East Kent and the average wait time is at least 12 months!

If you are already on the waiting list, being surgery ready could mean that you qualify for a short-notice slot and receive your joint replacement earlier than planned. You recover sooner and get on with your life.

There is a serious side effect of a long waiting list, you deteriorate while you wait. You can put on weight and your body deconditions due to ongoing pain stopping you from staying active. This deterioration can cause further delays to surgery, increase risk of infection and affect your post operative recovery times.

We asked people currently waiting for hip and knee surgery what would help them cope better while waiting.  Their responses were clear and simple. What they want is;

  • To stay well and informed while waiting

  • Reassurance and education

  • Pain management advice

  • To maintain or increase, where possible, function, strength and quality of life

We know being in pain and on a seemingly, never ending wait list can make you feel low and unmotivated. Your basic needs of being able to keep working/coping with the pressures of everyday life and  reduce feelings of isolation are unmet.

physiotherapy pre-surgery

Our award winning Physiotherapists have developed a targeted new service to help those waiting become Surgery Ready.  Our programme is more than just ‘keeping you active’. We know the challenges you face and have solutions for you to manage your pain, weight and improve strength and function. 

Do any of these questions ring any bells?

  • Are you waiting for a Hip or Knee replacement? 

  • Do you feel unimportant or fobbed off by your GP? 

  • Are you yet to hear from your Hospital about a surgery date?

Our physio-led programme connects you with people who understand your situation. We will help you manage your pain, build strength and keep your weight under control to ensure you are ready for your surgery date. 

You will have an initial assessment with one of our Physiotherapists, where they will assess you thoroughly, set goals with you and create a bespoke programme to ensure you are Surgery Ready. Your treatment will include pain management, a weekly exercise session to build strength and function in your lower limb proven to aid surgical recovery and 6 weekly reviews with your personal physiotherapist. 

This programme of specialist care costs £294.

Our Physiotherapists are in regular contact with local Hospitals and Orthopaedic consultants ensuring we can keep you up to date on current waiting times. We also host special events, exclusive to you, inviting local experts to speak to you about your surgery, what to expect during your hospital stay and the days after surgery.

So if you, or someone you know, is waiting for a Hip or Knee replacement give Kesson Physio a call on 01795 534113 or send us an email to book on our new programme and ensure you are surgery ready.

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