Kesson Physio

Christmas Gift Experiences

November 14, 2023

Give the gift of possibilities this Christmas with Kesson’s Gift Experiences: Find Possible, Unlock Powerhouse, Control Recovery. Why settle for one when you can purchase them all? 

Struggling to decide? Gift the Power of Choice with a Kesson Gift Voucher instead!


Find Possible

Kesson Reformer Discovery Experience

Gift includes an hour one-to-one Pilates reformer session.

Discover and explore the fun, safe and enjoyable ways to get your body moving on the reformer

and unlock your potential. Our instructor will take you through an hour long, personalised, one-

to-one session to assess your movements whilst guiding you through the Pilates Method.

You will be taught the basic Pilates moves and patterns. Finish with a clear movement journey

plan that resonates with what is important to you, whether that be to feel safe, have freedom,

regain independence or run that race.

Dress ready to move and bring your complimentary grippy socks found in your gift box.

£49.99, enjoy a £15 saving, Get ready to Find Possible!


Unlock Powerhouse

The Kesson Pilates Starter Experience

Gift includes five 1 hour on-to-one Pilates reformer sessions.

Discover and explore the fun, safe and enjoyable ways to get your body moving with Pilates and unlock

your potential.

Over the course of five, hour long, personalised, one-to-one sessions our instructor will work with you to

find fun, safe and enjoyable ways to get your body moving. Our aim is you start to feel more like yourself,

unlock your potential and overcome barriers.

Dress ready to move and bring your complimentary grippy socks found in your gift box.

£199.99, enjoy a £75 saving to Unlock a Powerhouse!


Control Recovery

The Kesson Massage Experience

Gift includes five 1 hour massage sessions.

Be confident to challenge your body to achieve things you haven’t ever asked or expected for a while,

perhaps never.

We inspire and guide your movement. For life. Our massage experience will help you smash your

movement goals.

Not sure what to wear? We suggest comfy undies, loose fitting t-shirt and joggers. Bonus points for superhero t-shirts.

£199.99, enjoy a £50 saving, Enjoy Control Recovery!


Purchasing is easy, 📞 Call 01795 534113, ✉️ email contact@kessonphysio.co.uk or order online:


Click on the weekly & block button, sign into your account, select experience from the tabs, add to cart and checkout. You can collect the Gift Experience from the clinic during working hours.

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